Endless country roads flanked by Plane trees - to keep the marching soldiers cool.
On our way to Spain!
This portion of the trip comes at a very good time. The end of our travels is in sight. I know Olivia has a countdown going on facebook. I do not need to count the days..I can recognize the changes in us. Mike has started to communicate more with work. Olivia is planning her social summer time activities. I am starting to organize/toss all that we have accumulated over the past months. Max continues as is...it is getting hard to keep up with his endless enthusiam.
Barcelona will provide us with a bit of culture shock. A bit of city to liven things up a bit. We have been in the country far too long! It will give us a chance to regroup as a family after a month of visitors and lots of social time.
We will miss the crooked, colorfulness of the Provençal way of life. Scented lavender,ancient plane trees, bluebird days,the drone of bees and crickets, daily markets and lots of rosé..
Au revoir xo
Images from our final days in France..
L'isle-sur-la- Sorgue - picturesque waterwheels, antique shops,ridiculously charming...
Another visit from our good friends Kelly, Darcy, Emilia and Anderson
Les Baux de Provence and the Château Des Baux
A fortified hilltop village and the ruins of the Château.
View from Château Des Baux
Is he on the phone??
I am having RDC whip me up some of these for my backyard at home. If interested, place your order now!
Cassis and the Calanques.
Cassis - "crowned port" not the liquer,
A very pretty fishing village surrounded by Les Calanques - drop dead gorgeous tourquoise coves with dramatic rock formations all along the coastline. A haven for boaters, hikers, swimmers and cliff jumpers.
My new favorite place!
No, thats not Mike. Chicken!!
Check out the climb back up!
At least he wont burn his noggin'...
"Sentier du Petit Prince" ...one of the many hikes through les Calanques
I like trees....
Mike won the race!
Not one car passed us the entire trip to Barcelona...not even the little, yellow Ferrari...although he did play with us for a while.
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