Monday, March 29, 2010

safe and sound in switzerland..

We have arrived, a little worse for wear, but happy to finally be on the next chapter of doing vs. talking. The flight was long, but uneventful.No one one slept either. I cant decide if your own personal tv chockerblock full of tv shows, movies and visual stimulation is a good thing. We barely heard a peep out of the kids, but why sleep when there are movies to be seen?

You forget how much fun flying is until you have a childs perspective on it. They were thrilled to be waited on hand and foot.Even the "tv "dinner was fun served with child sized cutlery. Max was a little disgruntled that we were not in first class to begin with. " This is Awesome. Wheres the lounge?" The flight staff got a good laugh out of him. They even delivered him warm chocolate chip cookies from "the lounge" during the flight. There were no warm chocolate chip cookies for me.

For all those skeptics out there....I have had the kids complete their first "homeschool" lessons. They completed them sprawled on the floor at the Toronto Pearson Airport! I am only mentioning this because I need to be held accountable...108 days to go...

Today is our first "real" day in Geneva. Yesterday was a bit surreal. I remember being here, but I dont really remember what we did. We all have some serious jet lag. Olivia and I were up at 2am. I believe Liv had ulterior motives...there was definitely some facebook chatting going on. I have made her put B.C. time on her itouch so she doesnt accidentally text at inappropriate times.

A big thank you to Darcy and Kelly for looking after us!

Bienvenue à Genéve!

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